This is your chance to find romance on a Nationally Syndicated TV show produced by Hamada-Kahn Productions...
Are you between the ages of 18-39? Are you attractive with a great personality? Will you be on Oahu and available for auditions on December 12th or 13TH and for taping on December 19th and 20th? Are you interested in being on TV? If you answered yes to these questions and are looking to meet fun and attractive singles, then WHAT HAVE YOU GOT TO LOOSE???
Audition will be on December 12th & 13th (Sun-Mon) from 9AM-3PM at the Society of Seven MAIN STAGE SHOWROOM at the Outrigger Waikiki on the Beach. Come to either day!!!
Taping of the show is on December 19th and 20th (Sun-Mon). YOU MUST BE AVAILABLE FOR BOTH DAYS OF TAPING!!!!!
This is not a monetarily compensated game show. Winners will win an all expense paid evening to be followed by a camera crew.
ONLY if you are unable to make this casting and are VERY interested, email HotDateHawaii@gmail.com .
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