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2011 ActorFest.

Actorfest - How to become an actor in New York and Los Angeles

Every day, Back Stage works hard to help take your acting career to the next level. But when it comes to our annual Actorfest, we pull out all the stops.

Since 1960, Back Stage has been the most respected trade publication for the performing arts. Nearly every top talent you love started by picking up their copy of Back Stage, and learning how to chart a course through the swirling currents of show business.

Now in its 19th year, Actorfest 2011 in New York and Los Angeles will be the most spectacular and exciting events to date. Actorfest offers you a unique chance to learn all about the business of being an actorýeverything from finding a top acting coach and terrific headshots to making the most of that important audition. Learn from top professionals how to succeed.

What Actorfest 2011 Will Offer

  • Attend interactive workshops hosted by casting directors, talent agents, managers, acting teachers and working actors;
  • Participate in casting calls hosted by TV networks and big-name casting directors looking to hire;
  • Visit our Exhibit Hall, which offers opportunities for you to get the skills, products and training you need;
  • Take part in "Meet and Drop" sessions with top-level casting directors in film, TV and theater;
  • Meet and share your experiences with fellow actors in our Networking Cafý.


Note: Everyone must register to get into Actorfest. Basic admission to Actorfest is FREE. With basic admission you can attend the Exhibit Hall, audition at one of the open casting calls, and socialize in the Networking Cafý.

However, to attend the Workshops you must purchase one of the available package deals. (Click on "Register" above for more information.) Seating for workshops is on a first-come, first -serve basis. In addition, Casting Director Meet and Drop Sessions are free to attend with the purchase of any workshop package.

Under 18

Actorfest is for all age groups. However, anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a legal guardian.

Exhibit Hall

The Actorfest Exhibit Hall is free to attend and filled with companies offering products and services to build an acting career. It provides an energetic and friendly environment where actors can dialogue and compare notes with acting teachers, headshot photographers, temp services, fitness companies, financial specialists, voiceover coaches, and more.

Open Casting Calls

The Open Casting Calls at Actorfest are FREE to participate in. Actorfest partners with various major studios, networks, and casting directors to provide calls for "real" jobs. Detailed information on this year's casting opportunities is available on our Casting Opps page. (Please be sure to read casting notice to ensure that you are qualified.)

Casting Director Meet & Drop Sessions

A Meet & Drop session offers you a chance to meet with a professional casting director one-on-one, at which time you can chat, ask them for advice, and drop off your headshot and resume. (Please staple your headshot and resume together prior to the event.)

You'll only have time to meet one (1) casting director. The meetings typically last for two minutes. Please be prepared to stand in line for up to an hour or more. However, we cannot guarantee that everyone will meet with a casting director. Starting at 2 p.m., actors will be seen on a first-come, first-served basis.

Meet & Drop Sessions are available to attendees who have purchased a Workshops Package. When you purchase a package, you will be given a pass to attend the Meet & Drops for free.


Back Stage's editorial staff seeks out talented industry professional to participate in the Workshops and provide an enhanced and coveted learning experience for all attendees. Actorfest has two types of workshops: Career Panels and Focus Sessions. Each workshop is programmed with top casting directors, agents, managers, coaches, and more.

Detailed information and definitions are posted on our Workshops page.

Any questions? Please feel free to contact Actorfest.


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