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SAG Signatory Casting Call on HAN‏.

Japan Television Commercial

Signatory Company: U International Corp.
Shoot Location: Kona, Hawaii (Big Island)
Tentative Shoot Date: February 15, 2012
Rates: General Extras - $323 per 8 hour day; Principals Group - $433.55 per 8 hour day plus $1,517.45 Internet fee.

Seeking Extra Performers Able to Portray the Following:
A slender Polynesian Female Hula Dancer: Age range 20-30.
Coffee Plantation Worker: Pacific Islander, male and female. Age range 30s and 50s. Authentic plantation worker look.

Seeking Principal Performers Able to Portray the Following:Coffee Plantation Tourist(s) or Guest(s): Caucasian or part Caucasian, male and female, age range 30s and 50s. Blonde or brown hair, clean cut to portray tourists/guests from Europe/Australia/mainland visiting the coffee farm.

Go to the SAG group on HAN for more information.
Mahalo to the SAG office for all you do in the building of Hawaii's film industry.


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